Great Basin Hike to the Bristlecone Pine Grove

After the Cave tour we decided to do the Bristlecone hike which is 2.8 miles to a grove of ancient  Bristlecone pines. Some 5,000 years old. We climbed 1200 feet in elevation to overlook the grove. This is my favorite hike so far. The drive up to the trail went for miles up the mountain with stunning overlooks:

As you can see, the clouds were thickening in the distance. The aroma of pine was so sweet, not overpowering. As I mentioned, the hike was 1200 feet in elevation through the woods. When we were 2/10 of a mile from the top, it began to thunder. We made the wise decision to turn around, because  as soon as we reached the truck, it began to pour.

Here are some pics from the hike:

What a great day! I can still smell the pine….